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Walkthrough for KAPIA

Walkthrough for KAPIA (game version v.1.263)

Gameplay Features

The game is an interactive animated movie with a lot of objects to explore and characters to talk with. All this allows you to fully reveal the world of KAPIA. In the proposed walkthrough, only those actions are indicated, the implementation of which will allow you to move further with the story.


Management - point click (pointing the pointer (cursor) to the active area and pressing the button on this area).


The menu from the game is opened by pressing the Esc key and has a set of standard options:

"Continue" - exit the pause mode and continue the game;

"Control" - assignment of mouse or controller keys;

"Settings" - sound settings, language selection, turn on / off subtitles, work with objects, turn on / off prompts;

"Exit game" - exit the game.


The inventory is located in the upper area of ​​the screen, opens with the cursor. Inventory items are used by "dragging" them to the required object on the game screen.


The progress made in the game is saved automatically when the game is exited.


After the introductory video, revealing the background of events, we find ourselves under the dome, in which members of the group of survivors have gathered, where Stefan, the main character of the game, is striving to get.


Level 1

Playing as Reni

We get a control helmet

We talk with Zimulis on the proposed topics.

Zim asks for a screwdriver.

We look at the table, take the SCREWDRIVER from the table, pass it to Zimulis. We talk with him on the proposed topics.

We play the mini-game "Boxing" - we strike with the left mouse button, we put a block with the right mouse button. We fight to two victories.

Tip: hit the enemy a few times, step back, and hit again. Do this until you win.

We get the ZIMULIS HELMET for the victory.


We unlock the gate

We get acquainted with inventory management, turn on the helmet . We put on the helmet, we try to influence Robbie, but he runs out of the room. We take the KEY from Zimulis, who is lying down to rest , we lock the doors.


We stand in the place marked with a cross, put on a helmet - Robbie is in the helmet's coverage area.

But the robotic vacuum cleaner pushes Reni out of the way while cleaning.

We overturn the flowerpot with the plant, put on the helmet and stand on the cross.

Image #1

We control the actions of Robbie. We interact with the computer, open the "Guard" command  - to initialize the "Time Gate" worm, you need to configure certain parameter values. Press "Back", then "Setup Robbie".

We set the values ​​indicated in the screenshot. Press "Back", then "Security". We open the Gates of Faith.


Level 2

Playing as Stefan

Unlocking the Dome Gate


We interact with the terminal. We press "Access to the dome" and "Press me" - we open the gate.

Stefan can't get inside without securely hiding "communication, knowing there's a traitor inside.


Hiding a message

We talk with the Robot Head on all the topics offered. We climb into the cockpit. We move the device aside , we take out the BATTERY from the cavity behind the device. We install its Head of the robot. We talk on all the proposed topics. We put the message on the protruding tongue, we go under the dome.


Level 3 

Helping Peng

We listen to the conversation of two robots talking about Robbie. We turn to Pam, but she is busy setting up signs, trying to finish by the arrival of the caravan. We go deep into the tunnel.

Watch the news on a giant screen. We pay attention to the code in the running line  - 424. We look at the racing car, we move on.

We select the REMOTE dropped by the robot-gardener who is fleeing from the robot-dog.

Stefan sees that it is Pam's damaged remote and sets out to fix it.

We look under the hood of a racing car - to open the battery compartment, you need to have a tool. We speak with the bartender Slug, who is repairing the elevator. We seize the moment when Slug puts the tool in the box and turns away, we take away the WRENCH. We return to the car, use the key to unscrew the fastener nuts, take the BATTERY .

We change the broken battery in the remote control to the battery from the car. We take the remote control to Pam, but she still does not open the passage to the city. We speak with Pam on all the proposed topics, we get a FLYER. We say goodbye and again we go deep into the tunnel.

Stefan notices that someone is following him.


Get the cat out of the way

We are trying to enter the city through the second entrance, but the Cat gets in the way. We talk to him on all topics. After making sure that he does not intend to let us through, we talk on all topics with Janis. We consider the posters offered by Janis, take the ENVELOPE . We print it, we extract the PROGRAMMER.

Image #2

We set the code 424 seen in the news, use the programmer on the Cat. We talk to him on all the proposed topics. We use the text of the flyer received from Pam to choose the correct answers to the Cat's questions.

Choosing options:

  • “Which soldiers want to participate” - “Sailors loyal to the revolution. And pilots with weapons”;
  • "What is the name of the group" - "Drake";
  • "What support does Drake expect to receive" - ​​"Workers";
  • "Who will be in power after the revolution" - "Left leader ...".
  • We pass into the vacated passage.


Stefan is stunned with a blow on the butt...

Level 4

Playing as Reni

Rennie is left alone when everyone but a sleeping Zimulis and Robbie go looking for Stefan.

We pick up the PIRATE HAT , put it on and go up to the second floor. We take Mr. Bunny from the bed , we talk to him.

The hare reminds Reni of the tasks she planned to complete a week ago.


My floor

We go down, we speak with Robbie. We persuade you to play the game "Captain and cabin boy."

We play a mini-game in which, by controlling Robbie, we remove stains from the floor by choosing commands in the left area of ​​the screen in the allotted time.

Image #3

We hang up pictures

From the table on the second floor we take PICTURES . Apply them to the nails on the wall. We go downstairs, we try to take picture frames , but Robbie does not allow Renia to work with glass. We give him pictures, and he independently inserts sketches into frames.

We rise to the second floor, hang the pictures in order from left to right (frame 1, frame 2, frame 3).

Mr. Bunny informs Reni that she has absolutely nothing to do.

We go down and talk to Robbie.

Reni states that she is a bit hungry.

Image #4;

Cooking food

Robbie is panicking - he does not have instructions for cooking food for the kid.

Notice the Recipe Book on the bookshelf. We're trying to reach out, but we can't. We take the chair on which Robbie was sitting, push him to the wall on which the shelf is placed. We take out the COOKBOOK, we take it to Robbie.

Robbie's built-in program does not include cooking.

We look at the kitchen table. We take a cookbook, look at the code  on the second page (the first number is the page number, the second is the number of the ingredient on this page).

We read the composition of the ingredients, prepare a sandwich:

  • bread;
  • mayonnaise;
  • cucumber;
  • cheese;
  • tomatoes;
  • loaves.

We ask Robbie to check the sandwich, we get permission to eat it.

Robbie insists that Renee, as they agreed, go to bed.

We try to persuade him, but nothing comes of it - he reminds us of this promise.

Robbie goes and sits down on the couch.

We follow him, we talk on all topics.

Image #5

The conversation is interrupted by Mr. Bani - he sends a message for Reni from Stefan's grandfather.

We speak with Robbie on all proposed topics.

Robbie runs to the second floor.


Getting out

In the kitchen we take the POKER , we rise to the second floor. Open the window, look out. With the help of the poker we drag the hanging cables into the room .

We speak with Robbie.


Level 5

Playing as Stefan

A woman points a gun at Stefan, demanding that he hand over the Message Key he brought from the Dome of the Science Institute.

We speak with a woman on all the proposed topics.

Stefan recognizes the woman as the curator of the KAPIA museum.

At gunpoint, we go deep into the location.

Stefan decides to leave a message for his group members.

We use the crayons available in the inventory on the ground.


Level 6

Playing as Reni

From the place of descent we go to the right (the view is given from the face of the player). We speak with the wrecked Sailor on all the proposed topics. We pay attention to the wheel, resembling a valve, in his hands. Among the thickets of tomatoes we notice a bottle, which we cannot get. We look at the crayons on the ground.

Reni realizes that her grandfather left signs for her. She decides to go to a bar.

We try to get into the bar, but we do not pass the "face control". We speak with SLAG on all proposed topics.

Reni decides to find the back entrance.

We knock on the gate. We talk with the robot gardener on all the topics offered. We speak with the robot dog. We go in the opposite direction, we talk with Tony (40) on all the proposed topics.

Tony asks to find her lost key.

We press the button and QUICKLY run up to the area illuminated for a short time. We select the MAIN KEY, we go into the alley.

We pay attention to the control terminal, apply the master key to it. We consider the water supply scheme, we leave the approximation. We notice that there is no valve on the nearby pipe. We remember the wheel in the hands of the Sailor, but we understand that without a bottle there is nothing to approach him.

We pick up the FORK leaning against the barrel , we head to the tomato seedlings. With the help of a pitchfork, we take out the previously noticed BOTTLE from the thickets. We give it to the Sailor, we take away the VALVE. We go and install it on the pipe near the terminal. Once again we look at the terminal water supply scheme  - we need to open the valves II, IV, VI, V and VII , and shut off the valves I and III .

Valves V and VI are located on the pipe next to the terminal. Open them ( the window  turns green).

Close valve I , open valve IV , close valve III .

We open the valve VII - the water supply is restored . 

Reni is talking to Mr. Bani.

We seat the hare astride a robot dog, and they go to Stefan's friend, Bill the robot. We pass through the opened gate.

We are trying to open the doors. We speak with the cat. We stand on the barrel, we roll on it to the clock. We set the time indicated by the Cat - 6:05 .

Reni goes to the opened door.

Level 7

Playing as Stefan

The keeper takes Stefan to Slug's bar and leaves to talk to the boss.

We talk with Slug on all topics. We speak on all topics with the returned Keeper. When she leaves, we approach Janis lying on a sunbed - he is poisoned by a disgusting drink. We talk with the Keeper sitting at the table.

We go to Slug, get a job as a waiter. We approach the sailors sitting at the table, we take the order. We inform about the order of Slug. We are talking to the sailors again. We remove the NET from the hook, take the BOWL from the tray on the counter. We go into the back room. We use the net on the barrel with cucumbers .

We shake the brine with a net, we catch six CUCUMBERS in turn. Let's go to the bar. We put a bowl of cucumbers on a tray. We take a tray, bring it to the table, put it in front of the sailors.

A skinny sailor refuses to drink and approaches a dart board.

We talk to him. We turn to the bartender, we demand a salary. We pick up the COIN, give it to the Sailor.

We play darts and lose.

The second sailor demands a repeat serving of snacks and drinks.

We report this to the bartender. We pick up CREPS OIL from the counter, take the BOWL from the tray, go to the back room. Remove the DRIED FISH from the hook . In inventory, water the fish with oil , return to the bar. We put a bowl of fish on a tray, pick up the TRAY, bring it to the table for customers. The crooked sailor eats the fish and goes to play darts. We talk to him. We turn to Slug, demand a salary. We get the COIN, give it to the sailor. We play darts and lose. We turn to the sailor and play darts again. We win, we get two COINS back. We carry them to the Keeper.

Slug leads the Keeper and Stefan into the back room. 

We communicate with the Keeper.

She is looking for a bird.

We look at the candle , turn the candelabra in the form of a bird - a secret door opens. We pass into it. We are in total darkness. In the light of the match, which was lit by the Keeper, we find a LAMP . We speak with the Keeper on all the proposed topics. Having finished with the conversations, we follow the Keeper.

Turn the lever on the left, then the lever on the right.

The lever on the right won't budge, and the Keeper gives Stefan the WRENCH.

We use the key on the lever on the right, we go into the opened gate.

Stefan and the Keeper find themselves in a water lock.

We ask questions, listen to the answers. We rise to the platform, rotate the valve. We go to the Keeper, we ask if she remembered the combination.

Image #6

We stand on the platform again, repeat the actions of the Guardian in the reverse order - if she rotates the left valve, then we rotate the right one, and vice versa.

We go into the only tunnel not filled with water.


Level 8

Playing as Reni

We pass along the beams to the place where we can take the NET. We stand  above the table at which the sailors are sitting. We use the net to catch the COIN , which is tossed by a thin sailor. We look at the manhole cover , with the help of a coin we unscrew the screws. We climb into the channel, we move forward.

We look at the hatch above the ladder - it is locked. Interact with the handles on the right. Each of the handles takes its original position at a different speed.

Image #7

Using the trial method, we determine the order of turning the handles: 6, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1. We leave the approximation, climb the ladder. In the dark we speak with a voice. We look at the projector , press the button.

We speak with the bridge. Pull down the cable . We tie one end of the cable  to the bridge, the other to the rotating reel of the projector. We speak with the bridge, we pass along it to the other side.


We turn the lever on the right, we pass through the opened gate.

Reni hears someone's voice.

We put on a LIFEBUOY , jump from the water. We swim to the winch , rotate the handle. We take the cage out of the water.

Reni takes the winch HANDLE with him.

Open the cage , extract the KEY from it.

In inventory, remove the AMULET from the key. We get out to the shore, use a coin on the vending machine . We get FOOD FOR FISH.

Image #8

We throw it into the ode, distract the fish. Alternately, we use the handle on the winches, raise the nets.

We swim under them, swim into the cage with the turtle Mema. We discuss all topics with her. Let's get closer to the controller. We use the amulet for three locks to extinguish the multi-colored lights on the right. To do this, you need to turn on such a light on the locks with an amulet. We pay attention to the colored circles on the left, which suggest how to get the right colors.


Image #9

First we light the blue color on the lock in the center, then the pink color on the lock on the left.

Then we light green on the right and yellow in the center.

Finally, we turn on the blue light on the right.

Meme is carrying Reni on his shell, ferrying him across the pond.

We talk with the turtle on all topics.

Meme puts Reni on the pipes, she swims under them.

We go through the pipes to the box floating in the water.

We push it to Meme, again we climb onto the tortoise. Having crossed, we find Mr. Bani.


Playing as Bani

We speak with Bidler. We interact with the hatch, take the RECORD from the protruding tongue.


Playing as Reni

We enter the elevator cabin, look at the panel.

Image #10 Image #11 Image #12

We sequentially press the buttons with symbols that are missing from the sequences on the screen at the top. Let's go up.

Level 10

We enter the room with the robot-fortune teller Mother. We climb a few steps along the ladder next to the Mother, set the key in the lock on the back of the robot. We speak with the activated Mother on all the proposed topics.

Reni gives the fortuneteller his mechanical hand.

We remove the step from the ladder on the right, put it on the ladder on the left. We rise. We sit in the cart , we go to the Church.


Level 11

Playing as Stefan

The Keeper takes Stefan to the church, where she is met by her grandson Abi.

We enter the prayer hall, we speak with Abi.


Playing as Reni

We pass to the right, look down , we see Stefan. To attract his attention, we pick up the APPLE that fell out of the bag  and throw it down .


Playing as Stefan

Stefan notices Reni as soon as she shows up at the church.

We continue to talk with Abi.


Playing as Reni 

We look at the Mother's crystal receiver ball, but it is too high to reach it. We pass to the left, we take MOP . Trying to use it to get the ball.

Reni is afraid that he might break when he falls.

We put a mop (RMB) on the floor, lay out two pillows on the floor under the ball (we use pillows on the ball). Take the mop again and move the BALL with it. We put the ball on the stand located next to the terminal.

We enter the terminal system, we communicate with the mother.

We enter the tab "Birds". We collect graphic commands, following the hint of the Mother. Sending for printing (printer icon). We pick up the printed PUNCHED CARD from the printer . We go to the cages , where the fiery birds are kept. We look at the mechanism of the cell.

To turn on the power, you need to simultaneously press two buttons, but Reni cannot do this, since she gave her hand to the Mother.

We return to the printer, remove from it LEVER . We go to the cells, press two buttons at the same time with a lever , turn on the power. We place the punched card on the panel.

Let's watch the video.

We go down the stairs  .

We sneak to the organ, we try to put a message into it.

Abi grabs Reni's hand.


Playing as Stefan

We push Abi.

Let's watch the video.


Playing as Reni

We select the message, insert it into the organ.

Let's watch the video.

Once on the second floor of the church, we interact with two organ pipes.


Level 12

Watch the final game.

Game completed. 


Lenin 17

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