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Ratings by Kix


Stars - 30

Rating by Kix posted on Jun 5, 2012 | edit | delete

Inventive, Extra Challenges

Positives: Puzzle solving like I have never seen before, Multi-solution puzzles which add most of the challenge and replay ability
Negatives: Ho-hum story and characters

Stacking is a light hearted adventure with some quality comedic moments along the line of what has begun to be expected from a company like Double Fine.  The overall theme of the game is a bit dark (maybe if this was a game for children), going from poverty, to kidnapping, and bonded child labor, although the comedic tone both disguises and lessens the importance of these themes to the overall story.
The plot and the characters are a bit simple and won’t leave a lasting memory for me.  You are off to rescue your family which has been kidnapped by the villain, the Barron.  Your family’s abduction is part of a larger child labor and bonded labor scheme that the Barron is trying to control.  You must both rescue your family and end the Barron’s child labor racket. 
The characters that populate the game world are more there for the gameplay than to add depth to the story.  They are there for you to take over to solve puzzles as well as give simple hints when you talk to them.  In this way they feel more like complex parts of an environment puzzle than actual characters.

While solving puzzles never blew my mind I did always appreciate how it always felt like something I hadn’t done before.  Game play consists of you taking over another character in order to use their unique abilities to solve a puzzle.  The game encourages you to dive into each new doll that you come across, test out their ability, and remember that ability because it is likely that you will have to use it in the future to solve a puzzle.
The game consists of four different worlds with 3-5 plot puzzles that you most do to continue through the story.  Each of these puzzles has 3-5 possible solutions to get though.  When you enter a room with a puzzle a box would pop-up letting you know how many solutions there are to the puzzle and home many of these you have found.  You only have to solve it once to progress though the plot, but most of the enjoyment of this game is solving the puzzles with all the different possibilities
Multi-solution puzzles are both a gift and a curse.  Seeing how you only have to solve it once to progress the story you may be encouraged to just keep on going and possibly come back and find the other solutions latter.  Solving a puzzle the first time can be very simple.  A lot of time I would already be controlling the correct character with the ability for one of the solutions when I first came across the puzzle.  While solving a puzzle the first time I would notice different paths or I would remember different abilities or combination of abilities that characters possessed, which I had come across and that I could use to solve a puzzle a second or third time.  The real challenge to puzzles came when trying to figure out the last one or two solutions when I had already expended with the obvious solutions.  This was the part of the game that I found most enjoyable.

The game is worth checking out just to try out a type of puzzle solving you may have never seen before.  I strongly recommend finding all the solutions to the puzzles you come across because this is where the challenge lies and for me, the most enjoying part of the game.  The game has a great art style which looks and sounds perfect for a lighthearted imaginative game.  The story and characters won’t leave a lasting impression on me, but I will think back to the type of puzzle solving they introduced in this game.

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Time Played: 5-10 hours
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